She Magazine NOVEMBER 2015 | Page 134

FAITH & MIRACLES Story by Drea Frondorf • Laura McBryde Photography FEATURE Barbara Mims “God NEVER PROMISED THINGS WOULD NEVER GET ROUGH; BUT HE DOES THAT HE’S THERE FOR US. “ Even though she relapsed one more time after that en- as her body was too diseased and dilapidating. It was at Barbara exclaims, “God’s love is so amazing and I love counter with God, she eventually was able to completely this point the doctors believed there was nothing more Him so much! Every time He has told me something, no give up her addiction, without any rehabilitation. She medically that could be done. They ordered hospice and matter what is happening around me, I’ve learned that attributes that miracle to God’s love and grace, and how were prepared for making her as comfortable as possi- if I just listen, it will all work out to perfection just like good He has been to her! ble until her body would eventually give out. He said it would. God never said that things would never get rough, but He does promise He is there for us. I am Her struggles weren’t over yet. In 2002, Barbara faced Even though the doctors had given up on her health, a new challenge when she was diagnosed with Hepatitis Barbara believed that her faith “only as small as the size C. This is an incurable virus the doctors weren’t sure how of a mustard seed” would be enough, it would be her Barbara believes and speaks that if we trust God with she contracted, due to the facts that she had surgeries saving grace. She sent away the hospice nurse, told her our circumstances, He will make us almost oblivious to and a drug addiction. Even though she went through to go home with someone who really needed them and what the world is telling us. She has a faith that can a medication study and treatment, it provided no believed that God told her she would be alright. She had move mountains! As she has experienced the reality of benefit for her sick body. faith that superseded reality! miracles, she lives a life of taking nothing for granted, The virus caused many truly blessed!” especially each and every breath she inhales and ex- secondary illnesses, including sepsis, which resulted in The Bible verse “I can do all things through Christ a hospital stay for three weeks. She was on an oxygen who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) kept Barba- tank around the clock and had to maintain that for two ra going strong. In only six months, she was healthy years. It was then that Barbara began to “seek God like enough to have a liver transplant and her life took a people. For anyone who doesn’t know Jesus personal- never before for help.” Once again, she heard from God turn for the better. Since her “death sentence” in 2011, ly, I would urge them to get to know Him. No one has and He told her that she wouldn’t be completely healed Barbara is stronger and healthier than ever. She no to be all put together into a nice, neat little package but that she was going to be alright. Barbara believed longer has a hole in her heart, her transplant was suc- for Jesus to love them. Just seek Him. He loves putting and kept her faith, even though seven months later she cessful, she does not need an oxygen tank. Not only that, broken lives together. To God be all the honor, praise was hospitalized with pneumonia. Barbara’s heart, lungs and kidneys are functioning prop- and glory!” At this point, Barbara faced a 45-day stay in the erly AND she no longer has the Hepititis C virus. Barbara hospital, where she had to continue with the oxygen exemplifies the power of hope, faith and m