Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal (Volume 1. Issue 2. Fall 2013) | Page 83

Do you remember the first time you picked up a fly rod? Conversely do you remember the first time you rode? Do either one of those leave a more indelible impression upon you?

Haha I remember both! funny how some things just click in your brain. Fly fishing and riding a bike were definitely those moments to me.

The first real memory that sticks out the most is the day i learned how to ride a bike w/out training wheels. I remember I was about 3 and my dad brought me home a bike. It was baby blue and had white mag wheels w/ training wheels on it. I was so stoked. I immediately jumped on it.. and out the door i went ( i basically grew up riding on my dads gas tank on his dirt bike ripping around the desert, and actually got a 4 wheeler for my 3rd birthday.) So I wasn't scared of jumping on this bike, to say the least.) Out the door i went. My dad just laughed. I rode down the sidewalk and on the street in front of our house for a good few days straight, until finally, I broke one of the training wheels off. I came running inside and told my dad what happened, and he said something like " Well you didn't really need those anyways, lets take them off" . We did and after falling over a couple times that was it. I was hooked. I really feel like that was the first feeling of independence, and freedom I ever felt. I really thought I could do anything, go anywhere because I could ride that bike.. looking back, It really did take me everywhere, and I did everything, way more than I ever could have imagined. To this day it all still seems like a dream.