PaintballX3 Magazine September 2013 | Página 72

product review When we asked Frank Connell what the main reason was for the drastic change in the marker’s bolt system, he didn’t pull any punches. He wanted to remove the problematic QEV from the marker’s equation, which would quickly improve reliability for everyone. The new bolt, which can be retrofitted by Vanguard into existing guns and is now standard in new markers, both eliminates the QEV and lowers the marker’s operating pressure to approximately 100psi which, according to Frank, makes for a more accurate and quieter marker with even less recoil or “kick” than the already smooth-shooting previous models exhibited when firing. All that having been said, we were excited to cut open the box when the UPS guy handed our Demon back to us. Upon airing our newly upgraded Demon up and putting some shots downrange, it became pretty apparent that the marker, with its new modifications, certainly performed as Connell told us it would. The marker was, in-fact, very quiet, but it was always quiet. Quieter? Maybe by a few decibels. The marker shot very smooth, but ours always shoot smooth. Smoother? Maybe a little. The upgraded Demon definitely shot accurately, with shots out to fifty feet landing in one ragged splat (using Valken Redemption paintballs) and staying in tight 72 streams and predictable groups out even further. Our Demon was always accurate. Is it more accurate? With paint variations, barrel length and bore size variations and weather concerns being what they are, we’re not sure the already-accurate spool-valve Demon is noticeably more accurate. But it really doesn’t need to be, as it was already accurate. Then there’s the air efficiency. We tested our Demon at the office with a prototype test hopper we’re not allowed to talk much about and a Ninja 77 cubic inch bottle. When filled PAINTBAL