News on the Horizon November 2013 | Page 13

Local Girl Scouts Star

in GSDH Commercial

“I’ve done a lot of weird stuff with Girl Scouts…but this is new for me,” said Megan Brink, an Ambassador Girl Scout. This new experience Brink described was being one of the 18 stars in the next Girl Scout—Dakota Horizons' commercial.

On August 10, 2013 local Girl Scouts from South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota came together to lend their talents as the new faces in a series of commercials set to air over the next couple months. Girl Scouts ages 6 to 18 were treated to a day filled with new experiences and fun. All of the Girl Scouts involved had their hair and makeup professionally done, as well as styled outfits. Each girl worked with the video director to describe their “I can’t wait to” moments. Girls couldn’t wait to be a teacher, doctor, work together and of course, be Girl Scout. Not only did the girls get to put their acting skills to work, they also learned about what went into making a commercial. Every girl got the chance to operate cameras and lights, be in the director's chair and learn about the video editing process.

Parents and volunteers also made appearances in the video to help describe the importance of volunteering with GSDH. After a long day of shooting, all the stars were sent off with personalized clap boards and most importantly, many memories of an unforgettable day.

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Program Guide Coming Soon

Make sure to be on the lookout for the Spring Program Guide which will be avaliable mid-December 2013 to sign up for all the amazing events next spring.


Program Guide Coming Soon

Are you missing Girl Scout Camp already? The Summer Program Guide will be avaliable mid-January 2014.