Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine Issue I, 2016 | Página 29

Why LIBERTY? More Than 4,000 Locations In USA And Canada Over 2,000 Franchisees Low Startup Cost Seasonal Business Multi-Unit Opportunities Simple Business Plan You know a great opportunity when you see it, and that’s exactly what a Liberty Tax IUDQFKLVHRIIHUV:KHQ\RXRSHQ\RXU/LEHUW\7D[RI¿FH\RX¶OOMRLQRQHRIWKHIDVWHVW growing tax preparation companies in the business. Liberty’s extraordinary growth is the result of business know-how, experience in the tax world, and a track record for producing successful business owners. Reliability: More than half of all taxpayers used a SURIHVVLRQDOWR¿OHWKHLUWD[HVODVW\HDU Affordability: Our low-cost franchise opportunity has been ranked by Forbes as a “Top 20 Franchise for the Buck.” Availability: Prime franchise location are available across the U.S. and Canada. Call: 866-790-5089 magazine_page_template.indd 1 Visit: 1/11/16 2:26 PM