Mount Carmel Health Partners Clinical Guidelines Hypertension

Hypertension Clinical Guideline Defini on: Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure (HBP) is a chronic medical condi on in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. HTN is classified as either primary (essen al) or secondary. About 90–95% of cases are termed “primary HTN,” which refers to high blood pressure for which no medical cause can be found. The remaining 5–10% of cases (secondary HTN) are caused by other condi ons that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart, or endocrine system. Risk Factors: HTN is the result of a number of factors: diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease (CKD), advancing age, family history, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, obesity (over 85% of cases occur in those with a BMI greater than 25), sodium sensi vity, tobacco use, alcohol intake, potassium deficiency (hypokalemia), and vitamin D deficiency all increase the risk of developing HTN. Timely achievement of blood pressure targets within 6 weeks is an important factor of minimizing the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Adult (age ≥18 years) No Re-measure BP under ideal outpa ent condi ons and two subsequent visits, each scheduled a week apart. Reinforce lifestyle modifica ons: healthy diet, exercise, and smoking cessa on. Does BP remain elevated on subsequent visits? Yes Consider secondary causes of hypertension. (see Page 2) No Obtain tests: blood glucose, lipid panel, hematocrit, serum potassium, crea nine, calcium, urinalysis, and ECG. Are test results within normal limits? Assess for cardiovascular risk factors (see Page 3). Yes Set blood pressure goal and ini ate blood pressure-lowering medica on based on age, diabetes, and CKD. Age ≥60 years and no diabetes and no CKD Age <60 years and no diabetes and no CKD All ages with diabetes and no CKD All ages with CKD Goal SBP <150mm Hg Goal DBP <90mm Hg Goal SBP <140mm Hg Goal DBP <90mm Hg Goal SBP <140mm Hg Goal DBP <90mm Hg Goal SBP <140mm Hg Goal DBP <90mm Hg Nonblack Black Quick Guide to Hypertension Care A desirable treatment goal is SBP less than 140 and DBP less than 90. Blood pressure should be monitored every 3 to 6 months for those pa ents mee ng treatment goals. Blood pressure should be monitored monthly if the pa ent is not mee ng treatment goals. Lifestyle modifica on should be encouraged: regular exercise, diet, and smoking cessa on. Ini ate thiazide-type diure c or calcium channel blocker (CCB) alone or in combina on All Races Ini ate thiazide-type diure c or ACEI or ARB or CCB alone or in combina on Ini ate ACEI or ARB alone or in combina on with other class Select a treatment tra on strategy: A) maximize first medica on before adding second; B) add second medica on before reaching maximum dose of first; or C) start with 2 medica on classes separately or as a fixed dose combina on. At goal pressure? Yes Con nue current treatment, monitoring and adjust medica on as appropriate No • Reinforce medica on and lifestyle adherence. • For strategies A and B, add and trate thiazide-type diure c or ACEI or ARB or CCB (use medica on class not previously selected, and avoid combined use of ACEI and ARB). • For strategy C, trate doses of ini al medica ons to maximum. • Consider referral to Mount Carmel Hypertension Center and/or appropriate specialist. No At goal pressure? Yes Con nue current treatment, monitoring and adjust medica on as appropriate November 2018