Mount Carmel Foundation Annual Report Fall 2016

FALL 20 16 6150 E BROAD ST, COLUMBUS, OH 43213 | P: 614-546-4500 | F: 614-546-4501 | MOUNTCARMELFOUNDATION.ORG CO M PAS S I O N HOPE HEALING R ES P O N S I B I L I T Y LOV E P OSS I B I L I T Y R E S P EC T CO M M U N I T Y E XC E L L E N C E S E RV E HOPE I N T EG R I T Y CO M PASS I O N RESPONSIBILITY HEALING COMMUNITY INTEGRITY POSSIBILITY CO M PASS I O N R ES P ECT E XC E L L E N C E COMPASSION HOPE RESPONSIBILITY HEALING CO M M U N I T Y I N T EG R I T Y A NEWSLETTER FOR FRIENDS OF THE MOUNT CARMEL FOUNDATION I NSI D E TH IS ISSU E : Helping Unlock Hospice Patients’ Hearts, Minds PAGE 3 Red, White & Thank YOU! PAGE 10 “The physical and emotional support that doulas provide transcends the labor room. It goes with them as they go home with their baby. It gives them confidence in themselves. Doulas model mothering, and our families take that with them.” — Mou nt C ar mel St . An n’s D ou l a Pro g ram C o ord i nator Su n ny C arl isl e | Page 9 1