Military Review English Edition May-June 2014 | Page 92

BOOK REVIEWS of U.S. troops from Vietnam. From that point on, it was just a matter of time until Hanoi achieved ultimate victory. This groundbreaking book provides a unique and compelling perspective on the war. It clears up many misconceptions about how Vietnam fought the war. Extremely well written and meticulously researched, the book would be helpful for anyone trying to understand the complexities of this contentious conflict that continues to influence the United States and its armed forces. Lt. Col. James H. Willbanks, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas A MILITARY HISTORY OF THE COLD WAR: 1944-1962 Jonathan M. House, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2012, 546 pages, $40.50 A LTHOUGH DR. JONATHAN House’s A Military History of the Cold War: 1944-1962 focuses on the operational level of war, there may be no clearer, more comprehensive evidence for Clausewitz’s contention that “war is but the continuation of politics by other means” than this book provides. In conflict after conflict, the reader sees that if one side did not achieve its desired end state, the reason was that it failed to address the political components of the conflict sufficiently. House shows that no military action has value in and of itself. What matters instead are political questions such as these: Does a military action create more enemies than it eliminates from the battlefield? Does it gain support from allies? Does it drive a wedge between the enemy and its base of popular support? Does it help address legitimate political grievances? Does it increase the likelihood of broader war, or worse, nuclear holocaust? These things really matter in war, especially in the nuclear and information age. House shows that the Cold War provides especially fertile ground for the study of counterinsurgency. This stands to reason, since the United States and the Soviet Union—the two great nuclear superpowers of the conflict—avoided direct confrontation, relying largely instead on proxies 90 to fight each other. House discusses 13 insurgencies in detail. After reading these case studies, the counterinsurgent comes away with a better understanding of which military actions could be successfully employed again and which, due to local peculiarities or changes in global conditions, only could have worked when and where they did. Additionally, the bo