Military Review English Edition March-April 2014 | Page 81

LETTERS Arnold Isaacs Replies to Dr. William Stearman Arnold R. Isaacs, Journalist and Vietnam War Correspondent—Dr. William Stearman has every right to his opinions on the Vietnam War. He has no right to mislead readers about my essay and what it said and did not say. Stearman’s distortions are startling, to put it mildly. To begin with, for reasons only he can explain, he all but ignores that my article was a discussion of selected books on Vietnam. Except for a single title, he does not refer to the books at all or say anything about their subject matter. Then he fails to make any distinction between opinions I stated as mine and opinions that are clearly described as those of the authors whose books I reviewed. The result is a complete misrepresentation of the essay’s fundamental nature and its content. The conclusion that the Vietnam War was immoral, for example, was not mine but that of Nick Turse, the author of one of the books I discussed. Far from endorsing Turse’s view, as Stearman alleges, I wrote at some length opposing it. I disputed Turse’s assertion that war crimes were a typical practice of American soldiers and criticized him for giving absolutely no recognition to Americans who did not commit or cover up crimes against civilians. Elsewhere Stearman similarly and falsely attributes judgments to me that were not mine but those of one of the books I reviewed. Those were not subtle differences but obvious ones, and I am at a loss to know how Stearman arrived at such consistently inaccurate interpretations of what I wrote. Stearman took particular exception to my calling the Defense Department’s history for its 50th anniversary commemoration “a feel-good fable.” (That is my opinion, and I think an inescapable one; it’s hard to know what else to call a history that glosses over all uncomfortable facts including that our side lost the war.) Stearman is not above promoting fables of his own, however. His anecdote about Peter Braestrup in Hue, for example, clearly belongs in that category. MILITARY REVIEW March-April