Marketing Trendz Volume 18 Numbers 7 & 8 Sample


CENTRE CITY ' S FRESH CUTS New Zealand center ' s finely scripted brand story comes alive in short film and online

There ’ s a reason why movie spin-off merchandise flies off retail shelves : viewing fans are emotionally invested in the story line and buy branded items as a way to prolong the experience they had in the theatre , and perhaps even to step into their favorite characters ’ world in their imagination . It ’ s a marketing strategy that New Zealand ’ s Centre City mall is experimenting with to promote its stores ’ summer lines , and it all begins with a 2.5-minute movie .
The plot is the story of a guy who is making a mobile for his girlfriend from Polaroids of flowers he ’ s given her since they started dating . Each picture he hangs is a chance for him to go down memory lane and relive those moments . It ’ s also an opportunity for campaign cinematographer Mark Harris to incorporate different sets and use the starring couple ’ s wardrobe changes to highlight retailer merchandise . Harris took hero still images during the filming too so that they could later be used as creative for billboards , in-center signage , a micro-site where shoppers entered a movie trivia contest to win $ 1,000 shopping spree , and several other placements ( see Media Mix on page 7 ).
“ This has been a great campaign for the center because we were able to bring so many components together , and it all looked professional and beautiful ,” said marketing manager Jo Stephenson .
“ We always only use local people in these campaigns . Our models are always local and are generally just people we see or hear about from friends or colleagues . From memory , we ' ve never used a model from an agency . We have [ also ] used the same team of photographer , stylist , makeup artist and hair stylist for the past few years , doing two shoots each year . This was the first time we had pushed ourselves to carry a story line through a movie , hero imagery and into [ a fashion ] show . We ' re kind of proud of it !”
Continued on page 5 …
Smart Changing Room Mirrors page 3
Designer Pop-up page 8
Activism in Motion page 10
Facebook Newscast page 16
Social Media Junket page 18
Webmasters page 21
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