CORE MAGAZINE December 2015 | Page 22



Could you give us a bit of a history of the takeover of Transfer Coin?

Transfercoin was actually introduced to me by a friend of mine, Wigitgetit. Some of you may know him, as he has definitely been doing a big part of the promotion for Transfer Coin. I can't tell you much about the original developer, because I didn't speak with him much myself. When I was introduced to Transfer Coin, there was already a roadmap in place, and quite a bit of development going on. There wasn't an outrageous number of coins, or an outrageous premine. Whatever coins the original developer has or had, he definitely worked for them. Nearing the end of his communincation, the prices were dying. And I managed to pick some coins up for cheap so I could play around with the masternodes since I didn't know too much about them. I ended up making a remote masternode service for Transfer Coin (here), as well as an IRC channel and tipbot (here). I ran into a few problems with the remote masternodes. I contacted the developer for some help, and he said he would relay this to his developers. After a few days time and getting fed up waiting, I started looking around for a bit of help from someone who was more familiar with the codebase. I was introduced to the DarkSilk developer who is working on the same codebase for DarkSilk. That was more than 10, 000 lines of code ago.

Who is currently developing Transfer Coin and what work have you done in the past?

My name is Alastair Clark and I am currently the lead developer for Transfer Coin. Most of my previous work is done on Node.Js and html. But I did a small amount of work for another coin which unfortunately doesn't have much interest in it and is struggling to stay alive with very little people staking. My biggest project is and I have done various tip bots for both twitter and IRC. I have been a member of the Neoscoin community since the beginning and have done a LOT of work with the developers there. I can't say enough about the Neoscoin developers. They have taught me a lot and helped me through multiple issues that i've run into.

Community takes over

with infernoman