Julien's Journal November 2015 (Volume 40, Number 11) | Page 38

health, wellness& lifestyle Detoxification for Health, Vitality, and Longevity: Food by Dr. Lisa Intriligator, D.C. I n the last column, we started talking about detoxification and how it is the fifth and last major pillar of preventative health. Detoxification is a huge topic that will take us through several more columns. The world is fast becoming ever more toxic, an anathema to organic life forms, especially human beings and animals. If we want a long healthy longevity, not only do we need to choose carefully what we expose ourselves to and what we put into our bodies, but we need to take steps to detoxify regularly. Detoxifying regularly helps to minimize the damage of the toxic sources over which we do not exert direct control. In this column, I will focus on ways we can avoid toxic exposure in our food and air. The word toxin gets bantered about, but just what is a toxin? According to The Nemours Foundation, “A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body.” Dr. Lisa Intriligator focuses on bringing a holistic and corrective approach to her patients. She seeks to help people attain longevity and resilience through corrective Chiropractic Biophysics and wellness and longevity education. Dr. Intriligator has resided in Dubuque since 2011 with her husband William and their four children. In the case of food toxins, according to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, nine of the 12 most dangerous and persistent pollutants are commonly used pesticides applied to conventionally grown food. There is an established and accepted body of research linking pesticide exposure, through residential and agricultural application, with a variety of cancers including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, brain, breast, kidney, pancreatic, liver, skin, and lung cancer. According to a 2006 study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “This increased risk occurs with both residential and occupational exposures. Increased rates of cancer have been found among farm workers who apply these chemicals. A mother’s occupational exposure to pesticides during pregnancy is associated with an increase in her child’s risk of leukemia, Wilms’ tumor, and brain cancer. Even more unsettling, a 2006 Annals of Neurology study found that a person exposed to pesticides has a 70% greater chance of developing Parkinson’s disease than those who were not. This study also found that 61% of those living with Parkinson’s ½ CITY OF DUBUQUE BUDGET Dubuque residents and stakeholders COME TO THE TABLE are invited to “COME TO THE TABLE” and share your “ingredients” (input) to help create a “meal” (budget) that serves our community! Please participate in a dialogue session Wednesday, Nov. 18 6-7 p.m. Multicultural Family Center 1157 Central Ave. Unable to attend the input meeting? Submit your ideas at www.cityofdubuque.org/budget or call 563.589.4110 36  ❖  Julien’s Journal  ❖  November 2015