Hult Alumni Magazine Issue 2 | Page 9

ESS Hult Executive Speaker Series 2012/2013 Five campuses, five inspiring speakers—the latest Executive Speaker Series saw another exciting array of innovative entrepreneurial changemakers grace Hult’s campuses. “ s an entrepreneur you A have such a wonderful opportunity to weave doing good into the very core of your business model.” B  iz Stone, Co-founder of Twitter, October 16th 2012, San Francisco “ his world is up for grabs. T It’s a fascinating time; it’s entirely plastic and malleable…make it into what you want it to be!” Sir Bob Geldof, Nobel Man of Peace, January 31st 2013, London “ You can do all the advertising, all the marketing, and all the product enhancements you want—yet none of them are as powerful as enthusiastic people doi ????Y][??Z?H^HYX[?] ??'B?[\??]???S????\???\?[ M? ? L?X?ZB???'???[?H?YH??Y[?H[?H[????[?H?YHZ\??[?X[ Y??X????[?B??YH[?\??[?[?[?\????[?X[ ?Y???H?[Y[X?\?\??H?[?]?H[??\?[?]\?X[]?\?[???H?[XZ?HY?H?]\????XX?[?]?\?H\?????H[?] ??'B??\??X?H?X??^K??Y??[?\???]?B??X??X\?H L? ? L????????'??x?&]?H???XY?H?[???)??B?H?H?^H[?H?[??X[HXY?[??[?H\??H\?X?\?[??]?[?]?YX[?YX?[]K^x?&]?H?????Y]?[?H\???Y[?H??\?[[?????\Z\???Y]?\?[????[???X[HXX?[B???Y][???'B???X??\??????K?Z\?X[???S??T?SP?\?[ L ? L??[??ZB?[ ?YB??B??