All Modules A3-Weekly PlanningBook Templates

Art /creativity/originality/expressiveness: Make connections, experience all senses, express ideas, thought, feelings through a wide range of ways, explore color, texture, shape/form/dimensions, movement. Dance, media & design. Art history, Critique, Compare, Interpret. Music: Recognize sounds and their changes (rhythm, volume, patterns, etc). Study music language, sing, follow a director, use instruments dance, coordination, pentagram, discover & create patterns. Physical Education Health/Safety/Nutrition, bodily awareness, gross -motor skills, self-help skills, Body/care changes. Balance, control, coordination, strength, autonomy. Morning Message: (10 min) M T W Th F Dedication, Compassion: This behaviors will lead our children to become better persons! Objective: Objective: Key Question: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Time: Objective: Key Question: Make a Difference! Objective: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Time: Time: Thinking Strategy: Objective: Objective: Key Question: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Make it Memorable! Thinking Strategy: Time: Time: Enjoy! Time: Objective: Objective: Objective: Key Question: Key Question: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Time: Time: Time: Objective: Objective: Key Question: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Time: Time: Objective: Objective: Key Question: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Thinking Strategy: Time: Built Memories! READ: Books to read aloud: M T W Th F Before (Introduce, Look, talk, Share, predict 5min) During (Join in, Take risks, predict, use picture clues, look for info, monitor understanding, W & = types of Question 20min) After (5min-Journals,Think, compare, summarize, reflect, go beyond) Circle appropriate day/s: M T W TH F -Compare books M T W TH F -Reading Pictures M T W TH F -Re-tell story M T W TH F -Finding Rimes M T W TH F -Inferentialreading M T W TH F -Characters center M T W TH F -Charts use M T W TH F -Text innovation: Writing: M T W TH F -Journal (indepen) M T W TH F -coached writing M T W TH F -Re-tell story M T W TH F -make charts M T W TH F -Group writing M T W TH F – (act to be seen weekly, in addition to planed act.) Objective: Key Question: Weekly Records: Circle Time: (Weekly Songs) Time: Learning Key Questions: * Give direction and purpose to the activities and are expressed as questions. * They drive the curricula! Promote: - Understanding - Higher thinking skills - Connect curriculum areas - Make thinking visible Tool: Learning Keys! Apply flexibly at all times! Form: What is it like? Observe, identify, describe, categorize Function: How does it work? Purpose, role, behavior, pattern Connection: How is it related to other things? Relationship, like…, change, similarities, Where-again? Consequence Rationale: How do you know? Reasoning, examine, metacognition, review Causation: Why is it like it is? Cause-effect, consequences, reasons, patterns Change: How is it changing? Movement, adaptation, cycles, sequence, growth View Point: What are the points of view? Interpretation, beliefs, opinion Responsibility: What is my responsibility? Choices, rights, values, justice, actions Comments: Text, Materials and book references: Objective: Key Question: Thinking Strategy: Time: Time: Education First Planning book Copyright © 2007/12 Education First Inc