Collections Summer 2013 Volume 96 | Page 8

EDUCATION Donor Shows Passion with a Generous Gift In December of 2012, St. John Neumann grandchildren to the CMA to see traveling Catholic School third graders received an exhibitions and to enjoy programs like early Christmas present. More than 50 summer camps. students, teachers and chaperones enjoyed a day of exploration and inspiration at the Upon hearing of the plans for the fall 2012 CMA. For many, this field trip was their exhibition, Mark Rothko: The Decisive first time in an art museum and for others, Decade, Myrtle couldn’t wait to get her it was an opportunity to experience the grandchildren in to the Museum to see wondrous world the art. This time though, she “I believe that our inside the CMA wanted to do a little more since community’s cultural again. it is not often that children in life continues when our Columbia get the opportunity children form a connection to see works from this Myrtle Robinson is a important painter. with the arts.” supporter and - Myrtle Robinson long-standing Myrtle decided to bring her member of the CMA. As an avid art-lover grandson’s entire St. John Neumann third and enthusiast, she shares this passion with grade class to the CMA for a field trip. friends and family at every opportunity. Knowing it was not within the school’s Myrtle often brings her children and budget, Myrtle offered to pay for a bus to 6 transport them and to cover the students’ admission. The students were giddy with excitement as they made their way through the Rothko exhibition learning about the art and life of this great American artist. Following the tour, each student created his or her own original art. Myrtle hoped the tour would inspire them, and she hoped the opportunity to make something in the studio would encourage their inner creativity – and that it did! A few weeks after the field trip, Myrtle invited CMA Executive Director Karen Brosius, to her home. During her visit, Myrtle proudly showed Karen a box filled with dozens of drawings, cards and handwritten thank-you notes from the students,