Celebrate Learning! Spring 2014 (Vol 5, Issue 2) | Page 23

The Dennis Boe Award Angela Summers lates that she was in the Math Lab “all the time,” spending 3 to 4 hours at a time with a tutor, and used the Writing Center for every major research paper. This honors student tells us that she has a stuttering problem, and was home schooled, then moved to the TCC Faculty Director learning environment, which had small classes and much Southeast Campus support from faculty for techniques to assist her. Caroline “self treats” her stuttering and refuses to let it “block me CELT Director from performing at my level” and states that it has “morphed into a challenge.” “The Great Plains Honors Council sponsors the Dennis Boe Award to Caroline Ainsley Jennings: She says that it gives her the “chance to let other people know about it showcase and reward outstanding First Time TCC Winner (stuttering) and being at TCC, I face it scholarly work by the honors proof the Prestigious Boe Award ‘head on’ and had to be ‘up front’ about gram/college students of its member it and take responsibility for it.” institutions” (Lynn Greene). This award is a cash prize and an engraved The TCC Honors Program helped plaque for each of the winning stuprovide a foundation to provide her dents. Caroline presented her paper with the preparation to speak at the to 300 conference participants last Great Plains Honors Conference. April at the Great Plains Honors Caroline still keeps in touch with Council Conference at West Texas A & the honors students she attended clasM University. ses with at TCC. She feels that “faculty I was fortunate to have the here understood and worked with me opportunity to interview Caroline this for strategies and also to develop confipast semester. She is now studying dence.” English at OSU, Stillwater (as an honCaroline is very proud of her parents and the help ors student) and would like to go on to graduate school to and support they have given her; dad helped with math teach English at the college level. Last year she won the problems and mom helped her to stay organized. She has Boe Award for her paper “Behind the Veil: The Hidden three siblings: one sister is a lawyer, her brother is a preAfrican in Lydia Maria Child’s “The Quadroons.” med student at OSU, and a 15-year-old sister is living at Caroline was an Honors student at TCC and she home. credits TCC faculty for “giving me the confidence to take Her interests had been l