Celebrate Learning! Fall 2013 (Vol 5, Issue 1) | Página 9

CTLC’s 20th Anniversary by Mary Cole Larson, Associate Professor of English The group has presented workshops on such topics as BB tips, how to handle disruptions in the classroom, various learning styles, how to reach Gen-Xer’s, how to insure safety in the classroom, the flipped classroom concept, and how to be creative in the classroom. The next workshop is in the planning stages and will investigate how story-telling could add a dimension in the classroom (looking at how to engage students without boring them). The Creative Teaching and Learning Cooperative is entering its 21st year at TCC. To mark its 20th Anniversary, CTLC is holding a celebration on Friday, November 8 from 2:00 to 4:00 in the SEC Boardroom. The Faculty Alumni group will be invited providing an added bonus to the afternoon. Special thanks to those who have served as coordinators: Annie Malloy, Joe Parli, Laura Hunt, Phoebe Baker, Julie Luscomb, Lu Ann Thompson and Mary Larson. 10 9