Business News The World's First Sex Robot - Sexy Roxxxy | Page 6

With Roxxxy complete, a sex doll that acts like a real man

Anyone who enjoys making out with inanimate objects will be thrilled by the news that an American inventor has manufactured a life-size female sex robot called Roxxxy, equipped with flesh-like skin, a smattering of playful conversation, a busty chest and an insatiable appetite for getting it on.

More exciting though is the promise that Roxxxy will soon be followed a by a male sex doll who will replicate the characteristics of a real guy.

Ideas man Douglas Hines unveiled Roxxxy at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas on Saturday.

‘‘She can’t vacuum, she can’t cook, but she can do almost anything else if you know what I mean,’’ he said, which may have been a nudge-nudge reference to her ability to knit, juggle and perform long division.

In an emotional tribute, Hines explained that the inspiration for Roxxxy sprang from the death of a friend in the September 11 terror attacks, whose personality Hines tried to replicate via a computer program. He obviously got a bit distracted along the way as the result of this exercise was a 170cm tall rubber woman with massive breasts.