Briefing Papers Number 12, December 2011 | Page 6

Florida has prosecuted several cases of abusive treatment of farm workers that met the legal definition of slavery. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) played a key role in bringing these cases to light. Labor contractors, supervisors, and crew leaders are typically responsible for exploiting farm workers, although growers can use these intermediaries to try to shield themselves from charges of worker abuse. The most egregious abusers of immigrant farm laborers are Farmers and Farm Workers sometimes unauthorized immigrants themselves. In one Even a cursory look at the intersection of the U.S. farm 2008 case, brothers Cesar and Giovanni Navarette and other and immigration systems reveals a fundamental contradic- members of their family—Mexican nationals— were found tion. While many farm operators depend on foreign labor, guilty of locking farm workers in trucks without running waimmigration law denies foreign workers legal status unless ter or toilets, denying them pay, shackling them with chains, they arrive through the H-2A program. If a non-H-2A worker and slashing them with knives if they refused to work. Both farm worker is in the wrong place at the wrong time, he or she Navarette brothers, as the leaders of this agricultural-worker can be expelled from the United States. slavery ring, pled guilty to charges of forced labor and other Growers have long urged authorities to look the other way counts and received 12-year prison sentences.23 as they employ a foreign-born, unauthorized workforce. But Not all relationships between farm workers and growemployers are now confronted with the possibility that using ers are adversarial. Many farm workers and growers have the E-Verify program for all new hires could become man- long-term relationships where both parties prosper. Today, datory (see Box 2). With no viable alternative to immigrant farm worker advocates agree with growers on issues central labor, they are calling for reforms that would legalize their to farm labor reform; both groups want a stable, legalized unauthorized workforce. system of farm labor. Farmworker Justice, an advocacy orgaThe State Department has described poor working condi- nization based in Washington, DC, seeks to “empower seations on farms as “endemic,” and the number of slavery cases sonal farm workers” and finds itself working toward goals involving farm workers demonstrates the vulnerability of farm that growers also embrace. “[Growers] want access to their workers to the actions of those in positions of relative power.22 workforce without worrying about raids by Immigration, In short, there is no evidence that removing immigrants from farm labor would create job vacancies that unemployed citizens would fill. If immigrant farm workers were no longer available, growers would likely try to mechanize their crops or abandon labor-intensive agriculture, leaving the United States to fill the food gap with additional agricultural imports. Box 2: E-Verify Laura Elizabeth Pohl E-Verify is an Internet-based system that enables employers to electronically verify