All Modules O1-Presentation Letter

Edu1st VESS Curriculum – Overview Document Introduction to VESS   At Edu1st, we believe that one of our greatest responsibilities is that of equipping students with a balanced approach to their academic, social, and emotional lives; an approach in which each individual learns to use his or her own wisdom and intelligence in order to give greater meaning to learning and what they do. We believe that, in the 21st century, educators need to be learners who are part of the learning process and are open and receptive to learning with and from their students. Educators need to be facilitators of contexts in which students construct their own learning along with critical and autonomous thinking. Ultimately, the Edu1st. VESS curriculum goes beyond traditional education approaches to foster in each student the dispositions to find meaning, balance and wisdom in every situation in order for them to live happier and more positive lives. To achieve the most essential objectives of the Edu1st. VESS curriculum: providing the learners with the dispositions for a Meaningful life with balance and wisdom, educators must promote a series of basic conditions within each student’s environment to not only promote learning but also stimulate and provoke thinking and critical reasoning. These basic conditions are Well-being, Belonging, Meaning, Communication, Contribution, Exploration and Flexpertise (The ability to adapt your expertise to new situations and to adjust your thinking according to the times and needs; a new word coined by Dr. David Perkins, Harvard University). When these series of basic conditions are met, individuals are primed to learn, grow and co-exist with their peers. Without a doubt, education has always had the intention of creating a better citizen, but there has been a lack of decisive action to integrate this intention to current educational practices and therefore achieve a truly relevant impact. As experienced educators, at Edu1st we understand the difficulty that educators experience when faced with new insights and the reality of their classrooms. In order to breach the divide between theory and practice, and give educators the appropriate tools to allow them to achieve the full potential of their educational endeavors and incorporate change by breaking down